
nobody write....i write lo....boring days mah...

ok larh.....
today nothing special......
juz we boys all ply when the pjk time......
dunno where they go wor.......
so dunno lo......
and dun wan to noe......
tat cik fatimah very deng 1.....
got many question to ask.......
puki larh......
tat meng hui oso bad 1....
tell my name to teacher.....
damn larh.....
i terpaksa answer the question leh.......
damn easy 1.....
shit larh.....
= =
wei yau bully me......
he noe i ate ubat...<--i dunno how spell ubat in english...= =
he dun wan use full power......
deng larh.....
but i really cannot get his ball...
walaupun he never use full power.........
damn larh....
so weak.....
later fight with victor.......<--tat baga pricess....ply me with tat stupid shyue jer......
damn victor lose leh.......
= =
i have no eyes to see......
his badminton skill how noob........
= =

2 条评论:

匿名 说...

No larh,You can't get my ball cause you eat medicine ma..sure weak,Victor not noob nia,he can win me...lol.

#~*^L0v3^*~# 说...

oi..normal balls oso cant get it..
how weak i m....
= =
victor arh...
wat i wan to say is....
ok larh....
he can win caz he lucky..
= =